General Terms & Conditions of Use
The General Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the access to and the use of (the Website). By accessing and using the Website you agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
The access and use of the Website is exclusively meant for personal use and shall be in no way related to any commercial activity of the user.
All content of the Website is property of Swans & Soldiers SAGL (“Swans and Soldiers”, “we”, “us”) and it is protected by the Swiss Law.
The reproduction, dissemination, publishing, modification of the Website content in whole or in part is not allowed previous written consent from Swans & Soldiers SAGL.
Any content and information submitted to us using the #swansandsoldiers hashtag in a post on Instagram will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential. Any content and information submitted to us through tagging the Swans & Soldiers Facebook account, will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential.
Content can be defined as ideas, text, pictures, videos, music, sound and other audio files.
When submitting content, the submitter acknowledges and warrants that the content is proprietary or that the submitter owns the right to distribute third parties content.
We are not liable for the content submitted to us using the #swansandsoldiers hashtag in a post on Instagram. We are not liable for the content submitted to us through tagging the Swans & Soldiers Facebook account.
Swans and Soldiers SAGL retains the right to delete any content on Instagram, Facebook and any other social network without the permission of the submitter and without specifying nor communicating the reasons to the submitter.
You acknowledge that the submissions mentioned and their content may be used by Swans & Soldiers SAGL for any purpose, including the designing, developing, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and sale of products.
The General Terms and Conditions of Use may change over time and are governed by Swiss Law.
The effective date of the General Terms and Conditions of Use is the 17th April 2018.